The Cornerstone School is a structured as a 501(3)c non profit organization that is governed by a Board of Directors.
Each board member volunteers for a 3 year term. During their time on the board, members are responsible for setting policies and planning for and maintaining the school’s overall direction. Additionally, board members:
- Are responsible for the school’s major fundraising efforts, including obtaining sponsorships for school events
- Determine the school’s mission and purpose
- Establish policies, priorities, and plans strategically
- Ensure adequate resources so that plans and programs are implemented
- Protect assets and provide financial oversight
- Ensure that the school operates legally and ethically
- Employ and evaluate the head of the school
Board of Trustees
Daryle Greene
Rebecca Guthrie
Joe Jones
Kevin Keen
Jeff Mantz
Sonya Nasser
Shannon Schaeffer
Dr. Dane Schlinksky