Is a compassionate, socially aware individual who can participate with empathy in a global context.
Portrait of a Graduate
The Cornerstone School has consistently produced graduates with exceptional skills and qualities that set them apart from their peers.
The achievements of our graduates reflect Cornerstone’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are equipped to succeed in the classroom and the world beyond. Graduates continue to serve as role models for future generations of students. A graduate of The Cornerstone School:

Is a self-directed, intrinsically motivated lifelong learner.

Is visionary, goal-oriented, and ready to perform with distinction at the next academic level.

Understands the importance of collaborative and cooperative problem-solving.

Is an innovative, creative, and critical thinker.

Is a STEMcentric student who integrates, transfers & applies technology effectively in the real world.

Is a self-confident communicator and public presenter.

Is open and responsive to complex choices and decisions.

Demonstrates an understanding of mutual respect, attentive listening, and personal choice.

Is able to reflect and self-evaluate.